Alex Jenkins
IT Consultant

An End of An Era Updated?

You know when you’ve reached the end of an era: Cadbury’s stop making the crème egg; birds decide that trees are passes and BlackBerry call and an end to mobile phones. Yes, it’s that time. The Canadian company which helped to bring in the smartphone nearly twenty years ago has decided that their operations are going to switch – and phones no longer hold the valued place they once did.

In the second quarter of this year, BlackBerry phones only sold 400,000 units – a tiny drop in what was once a B

A Cloudy Forecast is Good News

For the everyday small-to-medium sized company, there are limits on what you can do in the case of a data disaster. CIOs have traditionally been hard-pressed to find a solution for data recovery, as well as identifying and wighing possible present and future risk. Plans are generally high-cost, and the chances of accurate prediction of the risk factors are poor.

So what are SMOs to do? Well, the answer is now becoming clearer: the Cloud. Cloud based disaster recovery is starting to emerge as the

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